Timeframe | Price change* | Price delta** | Average*** |
1 day | -0.45% | -0.316% | 2.654% |
3 day | -0.45% | 5.575% | 4.755% |
1 week | 5.248% | -1.138% | 7.629% |
2 week | 5.248% | -3.256% | 11.938% |
1 month | -2.763% | -2.545% | 18.608% |
1 quarter | -8.667% | -13.874% | 48.997% |
1 year | 31.598% | 117.025% | 286.331% |
* The amount that price has changed since this period began. For example, for 1 day it would change the change since midnight.
** The amount that price has changed over the last period. For example, for the 1 day it would be the change over the past 24 hours.
*** The average of the absolute price change.
Fomo Finder Last update time: 2024-09-11 22:00:00 GMT
Current signals last update time: 2024-02-09 19:20:01 GMT